Monday, August 31, 2009

Key Popcorn Dates for Pack 11 Popcorn

Support Scouting by Selling Popcorn (watch the video)

Online Sales
- Start Here! The easiest and fastest ways to reach your goals.
Click here on Trails-End to sign up your scout. Look in lower left corner.
Send emails to friends,family and coworkers. Give them a link to

Show and Sell
Aug 18- Initial Order for Show and Sell - Done
Aug 29 - Popcorn Pickup 8-10am - Done
Popcorn Returns - Friday Oct 23

Door to Door Sales
Order forms from Scouts are due Oct 26
PopCorn pickup - Nov 7th

Chocolate Popcorn is ordered separately due to heat and melting issues.
Orders Placed Online on Trails End System by Sept 15, 5pm.
Chocolate Order is to be picked up on Sept 24th between 6 and 8 pm.

Key Dates: 2009

  • August 1 - Online ordering opens for Show 'n Sell orders
  • August 11 or 12 - Attend one of our two training sessions
  • August 18 - Deadline to order Show 'n Sell popcorn
  • August 29 - Show 'n Sell popcorn pick up
  • September 15 - Deadline to order Chocolate Show 'n Sell popcorn
  • September 24 - Pick up for Chocolate Show 'n Sell popcorn
  • October 1 - Door to Door popcorn sale online ordering opens
  • October 21, 22, 23 - Deadline for returns - 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Graebel (anyone with more than 5 cases to return)
  • October 26 - Deadline to order Door to Door popcorn
  • November 7 - Door to Door popcorn pick up
  • December 2 - All popcorn payments are due

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