Monday, November 10, 2008

Go Green with Scouts Project

All Scouts and Akelas,

This Saturday, November 15th, we will be participating in Good Turn Week by doing an awesome project called Go Green With Scouts. We will meet on the east side of Edison at 11 am and distribute kits to the neighborhood that promote energy efficiency and save families money. These kits contain:

13 watt CFL
Energy Efficient Showerhead
LED Nightlight
1.0 gpm faucet aerator
foam outlet gasket
foam light switch gasket
multiple educational brochures

We will have the neighborhood mapped out and each Scout, along with their Akela, will be given certain blocks to distribute the kits to. Many of the Scouts live in the neighborhood and attend school at Edison, and all of our Scouts have their den and pack meetings at Edison, so we think this project will be meaningful to them. If there are any kits leftover, each Scout will be able to take one home. If there are lots of kits leftover, Scouts will be able to distribute them to additional neighborhoods.

We hope to see you there!


Phil said...

This sounds like a great opportunity, but it doesn't fit our schedule. Are there any other Good Turn activities planned for Pack 11?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the assortment of goodies to help us green our home. Denver Pack 11 rocks! - Sincerely, your neighbors on Quitman Street